OutReach IN The State of Arizona
OPERATION: hunger strike
The MASA Project of Arizona prides itself on a dedicated team of volunteers actively involved in providing nourishment to those in need and leading community clean-up efforts. This joint endeavor has notably improved community aesthetics.
We invite everyone to join us in an upcoming community event.
The volunteers' steadfast dedication to assisting others and enhancing the environment has been recognized. Through their diligence and enthusiasm, they have revitalized the community, making it more lively and inviting for residents. Looking ahead, we aim to attract more individuals to our cause, uniting to make a positive impact on our surroundings. Together, we can accomplish remarkable feats and shape a brighter, more sustainable future for future generations.
OUTREACH -MONDAYS 12PM-2:30PTUESDAYS 7:00PM-04:00ATHURSDAYS 7:00PM-04:00AFRIDAYS 7:00PM-04:00ASATURDAYS 7:00PM-04:00AOur volunteers run daily food stations with the aim of providing families and clients a welcoming and safe space, free from any feelings of shame or discomfort. These events include preparing and serving meals with fresh produce, meats, and proteins. Individuals and families with dietary needs are encouraged to inform The MASA Project of AZ to ensure they can fully enjoy the culinary options provided.
All food donations are promptly received and distributed within 24-48 hours to ensure freshness and quality. No expired or compromised items are accepted. Sealed food items in boxes, bags, cans, or packages that show signs of tampering are discarded.Furthermore, free Narcan is available upon request and need. To contribute, kindly contact us via phone or email to arrange drop-offs at designated safe locations such as Bank of AmericaE: Info@TheMASAProjectAz.org or Call/Text our Teams at 602-900-3915 - We Do NOT Accept Unrelated Solicitations Via Phone or Email.